What are the beauty methods of olive oil?

As we all know, olive oil is a good cooking oil, which is good for the human body, such as anti-aging, strengthening osteoporosis and so on. But olive oil also has the effect of beauty and beauty. Below we will talk about the beauty methods of olive oil.

Use olive oil to blackhead:

1. Clean your face with a mild cleanser and apply a hot towel to your face to help open the pores for further deep cleansing.

2. Remove the towel in about 5 minutes, then apply the olive oil evenly to the face with blackheads.

3. Gently massage the face gently with your hands on your face. After about 20 minutes, wash your face with clean water.

4. At this time, you will find that the blackheads on your face are gone. This method of blackhead in the olive oil area should not be used too often. It is necessary to let the skin have a recovery process once a week.

Moisturize and firm with olive oil: Wash your face with warm water. Dip an appropriate amount of olive oil and apply it on the entire face for 10-15 minutes, then apply a hot towel to the face and wipe it clean. (suitable for dry seasons.) The beauty of this olive oil is good compared to expensive skin care products.

After reading the above introduction, I now know what the beauty methods of olive oil are. Let's try it out. This olive oil is really convenient and easy to use.

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