MM must know the whitening teeth tips

MM must know the whitening teeth tips
Because of smoking, drinking tea or bad oral hygiene every day, the teeth will become yellow. Do you know how to whiten your teeth? How can I create bright, white teeth? The following tricks can help you easily solve the problem of tooth yellow.
Teeth whitening tips: vinegar
How to use: Home vinegar (vinegar, white vinegar can be, but not vinegar) in the mouth for 1 minute to 3 minutes, then spit out, brush your teeth. The effect is very good! But the teeth will feel very sour, hemp (the feeling will last for about 2 minutes) can not be continuous, often do, about once in about 2 months, just fine. Otherwise, it is not good for the teeth. When there is an emergency, you can save the emergency (such as finding the teeth are yellow before going out to date), and you can also remove bad breath.
Teeth whitening tips 2: orange skin brushing teeth
How to use: After drying the orange peel, grind it into powder. When brushing your teeth, mix it with toothpaste and orange peel powder, then brush your teeth for a good whitening effect.
Teeth whitening tips 3: toothpaste with lemon juice brushing
How to use: When brushing your teeth, brush your teeth with a toothbrush or gauze, cotton, and lemon juice. Lemon juice has a strong cleaning effect and can whiten your teeth. And it is rich in VC to strengthen the teeth.
Teeth whitening tips 4: sugar-free xylitol chewing gum
How to use: Xylitol is a natural sweetener that prevents plaque, while ordinary sugar can easily cause plaque. Xylitol also balances the acid-base balance in the mouth and promotes the secretion of saliva. Saliva is a natural cleanser in our mouth that cleans all gaps. But everything has two sides: saliva can clean food debris and bring bacteria. So I want to whiten my teeth. It is necessary to brush my teeth twice a day and then a sugar-free xylitol chewing gum.
Teeth whitening tips 5: peanut powder teeth
How to use: Grind the peanuts into powder, stir them with water and paste them with a tooth, and wipe them on the teeth with a tooth. Peanuts, rich in vitamins A, B2, D, E, PP and trace elements such as calcium and iron, have a good nourishing effect, known as longevity fruit, and now there are many whitening recipes. It has a certain effect on tooth whitening and firmness.
Teeth whitening tips 6: squid bone grinding teeth
How to use: Grind the bone into powder. Every time you brush your teeth, apply some brushing. The effect is also very good. The bones of the squid are light, low in hardness, and can be obtained by scraping with a knife.
Teeth whitening tips 7: Eat more green apples
How to use: Eat green apples. If you want to prevent the teeth from turning yellow, the easiest and most effective way is to brush your teeth after each meal. At the same time, Pia Lieb, a dentist in New York, recommends that green apples with lower sugar content be eaten as snacks after meals, which can achieve the same tooth-cleaning effect. This is because the rich cellulose and the right amount of fruit acid contained in the green apple can remove the dirt and make the teeth white.
Teeth Whitening Tips 8: Using Dental Protective Glue
How to use: Before using white teeth to whiten your teeth before whitening, if you are concerned about the sensitivity of your teeth to hot and cold foods, you can use a tooth protection gel containing potassium nitrate. Protective glue can help fill small holes in the tooth surface, so that the teeth no longer have sensitive problems.

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